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世界和平 -World Peace

高中生作文   2024-04-27

World Pac

2003级 高二(7)班阮瑶

Iraq is a part of th Middl ast nxt to Iran & Kuwait. It is vry important to th rst of th world bcaus of its undrground ptrolum filds.

It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this rason prhaps th war startd.

On Sptmbr 11,2001,th Twin Towrs in Nw York as wll as parts of th Pntagon wr dstroyd by an airplan plannd by trrorists, which mad Gorg Bush dclard to fight th country’s nmis.

It was said that Iraq still possssd many wapons of mass dstruction and wapon inspctors wr snt to th country by th UN to find th clus.

Though no vidnc was found, Amrica still wantd to go to war with Iraq and th main targt is Sadam Hussin. Th war was just lik th quit battl btwn Franc and China in 1800s.It was said that a rlation of Sadam btrayd him.

I think war is not just a mattr of two prsons or two-family fight. It is rlatd to so many victims’ inrrsts . As a ladr, on must always think for all th popl, so will his country b prosprous for always.


标签: 世界 和平 world peace
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