字典网 名言 经典语录 爱情语录 简单爱、可是爱不简单!


爱情语录   2024-04-26


◆幸福没满,自住常乐! ◆曖昧一場,只不過是過眼雲煙罢了。 ◆害怕 说再见 以后、就真的再也见不到了... ◆不以结婚为目的的谈恋爱都是耍流氓 ◆如果不坚强,懦弱要给谁看。




◆无论于什么角落,不假设你或会在旁,我也可畅游异国,再找寄托。 ◆可以不在乎,才能对别人在乎。 ◆赢了不是一切,但输了就什么都不是。 A simple love, but love is not easy!

A happy not full live, always happy!

A vague, is only a drain. A frightened say goodbye, he really after never see to... Should not to marry for love is play rascal If you are not strong, aiming to see who cowardice. We are not aiming to be forgiven, because there are rebirth

Should I from here just after one, so, I can do any good thing, or I can anyone says any kind, let me do it now, let me do not delay, because I dont ignore will never pass from here.

Should I life will probably make a lot of mistakes, but I never in going to marry for love. In a corner, dont assume what you or will, I can swim in the exotic, then find sustenance. Aiming to care for others, can care.

A win is not everything, but lost is nothing.

不够精彩? 再来一篇 我要投稿
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