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我的手表不工作了(My Watch Doesn't Work)

初中生作文   2024-04-24

我的手表不工作了(My Watch Dosn't Work)in wintr, th wathr is vry cold. in th morning, many popl lik to gt up lat. i gt up lat, too.on day, i wok up and lookd at on of my watchs, “it’s still arly. it’s 5:30. i can slp for anothr thirty minuts.” aftr a whil, i lookd at th othr watch, “oh! my dar! it’s 6:30. on of my watchs dosn’t work and i’m lat!” i brushd my tth and washd my fac quickly in two minuts.i hurrid to school. whn i got into th classroom, th tachr was standing bsid his dsk. h said to m, “don’t b lat again.” thn i wnt to my sat and bgan my lsson.i think i should hav my watch rpaird.

标签: 手表 工作 my watch doesn work
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