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我的周未(My weekend)

初中生作文   2024-04-23

我的周未(My wknd)i think vryon will hav a busy and intrsting wknd. now, lt m introduc my busy wknd to you.on saturday morning, i am going to th bookstor. i’m going to buy som story-books and a chins-nglish and nglish-chins dictionary. i lik rading story-books. i find thm vry intrsting. thn i am going hom. my hom is nar th bookstor. so i am going by bik. i lik riding my bik. in th vning, i am going to play piano. playing piano is my hobby.on sunday morning, i am going to do my homwork. now i am in grad six. i want to ntr a good middl school nxt yar. so i must study hard. in th aftrnoon, i am going shopping with my parnts and my littl brothr. my mom says sh is going to buy a pair of snakrs for m. i lov going shopping. i think all of th girls lik going shopping. am i right.on sunday vning, i am going back to school by school bus. i lov my wknd, how about you? tll m somthing about your wknd.

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