字典网 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The New House-新居,The New House-新居范文

The New House-新居,The New House-新居范文

高中生作文   2024-04-25

Th Nw Hous-新居 英语作文网整理 Lung-Lung (Dragon-Dragon) likd his nw hous which was biggr and nicr than his old on, and h likd all his nw nighbors, too. Howvr, thr was not on who was a littl boy Lung-Lung’s siz; h was a littl upst about that. On day a big stam shovl cam rumbling up th hill. It rumbld right into th mpty sit Across th strt and startd to dig a big hol. Now lung-lung was so busy watching that h did not vn notic whn somon cam and stood bsid him, but h did notic whn somon said, ‘S that big shovl? It is digging th ground for my nw hous!’ Lung-Lung lookd to s who was talking, and it was a littl boy just his own siz! ‘Good!’ said Lung-Lung. ‘Your nw hous will b opposit my nw hous’ and w can play togthr vryday.’ Th Nw Hous-新居 英语作文网整理

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