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世界上最好的父母(The Best Parents in the World)

小学生作文   2024-04-25

世界上最好的父母(Th Bst Parnts in th World)世界上最好的父母(th bst parnts in th world)my parnts work in th sam factory. thy lik thir job vry much.my fathr has workd thr for about twnty yars. h is vry busy from morning till night. h gos to work at half past six bcaus th factory is vry far from my hous. h dosn't com hom until nin in th vning. i think h is hard-working.my mothr is a doctor in th factory. sh works carfully and sh is patint with th workrs. sh oftn tlls th workrs to do mor xrcis. but sh hrslf is not vry halthy. sh is oftn ill, and taks a lot of mdicin. i want to say to hr,"don't b so tird, mum!"my parnts both lov m dply .thy ar th bst parnts in th word.【参考译文】我父母在同一家工厂工作,他们很爱自己的工作。我爸爸在那里工作约二十年了。他从早到晚的忙碌。他六点半上班,因为工厂离家很远。他晚上九点才回家。我认为他很勤奋。我妈妈是工厂的一名医生。她工作认真,对工人们很耐心。她经常告诉工人们多锻炼身体,可她自己身体却不太好。她常生病,吃好多药。我想对她说:“别太累了,妈妈!”我父母深深地爱着我,他们是世上最好的爸爸和妈妈!

标签: 世界 最好 父母 the best parents in world
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