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Save Water(2)

小学生作文   2024-04-19

Sav Watr(2)

Watr is vry important for us. W must drink watr vryday. W can’t liv without watr. Watr is vrywhr around us. At hom, w us watr to wash cloths, to wash dishs, to cook ric, to clan th flat, to hav showrs, to mak drinks, to clan our tth, to hav a bath and so on. At work, popl us watr to put out firs, to grow vgtabls, to mak things in factoris and so on. W also can swim in th sa. Watr is important for us, isn’t it?  

A pom:  

Watr has no tast at all.  

Watr has no color.  

Watr’s in th watrfall.  

th pump.  

th tap.  

th wll.  

Watr is vrywhr around us.  

Watr is in th rain.  

In th stram.  

In th pond.  

And in th rivr.  

And in th sa again.  

thr isn’t much watr on th arth. w must to sav it. It is not inxhaustibl.  

It is vry valuabl.  

标签: save water
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