字典网 问答 小学 英语 Themost(61)___(energy)andimportantfestivalsaretheonesthatlookforwardtotheendofwinterandthecomingofspring.AttheSpringFestivalinChina,peopleeatdumplings,fishandmeatandmaygivechildren(62)___(luck)

The most(61)___(energy) and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring.At the Spring Festival in China,people eat dumplings,fish and meat and may give children(62)___(luck) money in red paper.There are dragon dances and carnivals,(63)___families celebrate the Lunar New Year together.Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals,(64)___take place forty days before Easter,---in February.These carnivals might include parades,dancing in the streets day and night,loud music and colorful(65)___(cloth) of all kinds.Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians(66)___ the world.It celebrates the return of Jesus from(67)___dead and the coming of spring and new life.Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little(68)___(late).The country,covered with cherry tree flowers,(69)___(look) as though it is covered with pink snow.

People love to get together(70)___(eat),drink and have fun with each other.Festivals let us enjoy life,be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

  61.energetic 考查形容词.and是并列连词,它前后连接两个相同的语法成分,energetic和important都是形容词作定语.62.lucky 考查形容词. money是名词,其前用形容词作定语.63.and 考查连...
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