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非主流经典语录   2024-04-20

1. 你不想丢掉这工作吧?笨蛋目前还干的好好的

You don't want to lose this job?IdiotThe dry well


It is more afraid of us, instead of the police

3. 你犯了二个错误 没注意枪的重量 更不该打我的主意

You made two mistakes don't notice gun weight should not hit my idea.

4 这句“去你妈的”把我说服了,走吧

The word "fuck you" to convince me, come on


My employer is rubbish, I kill more people crap


have a few rules: don't kill the women, not killing children

7. 不相信任何人才能不出差错

Don't believe anyone can not go wrong

8. 你今晚杀死的人数,可能会成为传奇


The number killed you tonight, may become a legend

I just stopped by surprise, why hypocritically modest, you are also very proud

9 . 我怎么对你那么不放心,难道你还没看出来吗?我救了你的命,治了你的伤,非要我求婚你才相信?

I do not trust how much to you

Have not you seen it? I saved your life, treatment for your injury, you just have to trust me to marry you?

10. 我的地盘,就要听我的

My site, you must listen to me


So that he died happy, kind of had enough

12. 决不能信任不在乎钱的人

Never trust don't care about the money.

13. 是啊,杀人是不对的 我们应该逮捕他(又救了警察一命)

Yeah, killing is wrong we should arrest him


Are you trying to kill me, still want to bored me to death


You make an unnecessary move,www.lztxw.com

Come on, you are old

16. 我讨厌警察,不相信他们。或句话说,只能相信他们的本质

I hate the police, don't believe them. Or in other words, can only believe that the essence of who they are

17 但如果你再次犯法被我知道了, 你就完了。继续做梦吧

But if you are breaking the law again, I know, you're finished.

Keep dreaming

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